Thursday 2 June 2016


“Silently, one by one, in the infinite meadows of heaven,
Blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels.”
― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie
I was recently on a camping trip in the mountains of Colorado, and one of the highlights was definitely being able to lay on a picnic table and try to find constellations without the intrusive lights of my home in Denver. While I could easily pick out a few of the better known constellations, I was disappointed that I couldn’t point out more, and that I couldn’t remember a darn thing from elementary school about the myths behind the stars.
My ancient forbearers knew the night sky like the back of their hand. The constellations oriented them in a literal sense – as vital navigation tools – but in a spiritual one as well, serving as vivid reminders of their mythologies and place in the universe. Still today, knowing the constellations can be a source of both satisfying knowledge and humbling awe.
So in this post, I’m going to give you a crash course in the Greek mythology of the most prominent constellations, as well as some tips for finding and identifying them. I use Greek mythology because it was Ptolemy in the 2nd century who identified and listed 48 constellations. This was the first written and scientific account of the constellations, and although his notes only covered the sky that he could see, it was used for centuries as the benchmark for astronomy. It should be noted that many of the constellations listed also have Babylonian, Egyptian, Roman mythologies, and more. What’s interesting is that while the specific characters in the stories may change, the rough outlines and shapes of the constellations remained fairly similar.
The International Astronomical Union lists 88 constellations — a list that has been in use since 1922 and encompasses all the night sky around the world. I chose the 15 below based on a combination of size, visibility, importance of stars within them, ease of recognition, and place in folklore through history.

How to Find Constellations in the Night Sky

Screenshot 2014-07-16 10.15.12
This is what a star map looks like (this is from Starmap). You orient it just like a map, and then look up to find those constellations!
Using a star map will be your best bet for assisting in finding where to look for constellations, depending on your location and time of year. It’s different depending on where you live and on the seasons, so use something like AstroViewer that lets you enter your location and gives you a customized star map. Another good one is Starmap, which also has an iOS app, and you can download them in PDF and print them so you can take the maps outside with you. Something like Google Sky can also help you to practice identifying the shapes of the constellations.
Other than a star map, all you need is a dark sky (as far away from cities as possible), and for extra visual aide, a pair of binoculars or a telescope. With the naked eye, you’ll see basic outlines, but with binoculars or a telescope you’ll see fainter stars and other features like nebulae and star clusters. When you’re out observing, you’ll want to generally orient yourself towards the North Star (directions on how to find the North Star are found at the bottom of the article).
While below I note a “best viewed” month for each constellation, many are visible for at least 6 months of the year – just not quite as vividly. The constellations below are the most famous and most visible to the naked eye in the Northern Hemisphere.


This drawing, as well as those below, is from Sidney Hall’s set of drawings called Urania’s Mirror. Published in 1824, the set contains 32 star chart cards depicting 79 constellations, many of which are no longer recognized or are considered sub-constellations. The illustrations are based on what’s viewable from Great Britain, making them fairly similar to what you’d see in the States.
Latin for “water carrier” or “cup carrier”
Best viewed in: October

While one of the biggest, most famous, and oldest named constellations, Aquarius is faint and often hard to find/see. In Greek mythology, Aquarius represented Ganymede, a very handsome young man. Zeus recognized the lad’s good looks, and invited Ganymede to Mt. Olympus to be the cupbearer of the gods. For his service he was granted eternal youth, as well as a place in the night sky.
Constellation Aquarius
Despite its prominent position and large size, you can see that Aquarius doesn’t really have defining features, nor does it contain any bright stars. The protruding line to the right is Aquarius’s right arm, with the large downward shape being a combination of the water flowing down out of the vase and his right leg. While not the entire constellation, what’s drawn above is what you’re most likely to see in the night sky. You won’t see this one in the city; you’ll need a dark sky to find the cupbearer.


Delphinus, on the left, is still a recognized constellation, but quite small and faint. Sagitta, the bow and arrow, is considered an ancient constellation.
Latin for “eagle”
Best viewed in: late summer, September

Aquila was the eagle that in Greek mythology actually bore Ganymede (Aquarius) up to Mt. Olympus. The eagle was also the thunderbolt carrier for Zeus.
Scutum, Aquila, Capricornus
This constellation lies in the Milky Way band, and its most prominent star is Altair, which is actually one of the closest naked eye stars to the earth. The top portion of Aquila forms a shallow inverted “V,” with Altair nearly the point. This represents the head and wings of the eagle. A line then descends from Altair, which forms the body of the eagle.
Look towards the southern sky in the late summer, near the Milky Way band, for Aquila.


Musca Borealis, the bee, is a discarded constellation.
Latin for “ram”
Best viewed in: December

While many constellations have gone through various iterations of mythological stories, Aries has always been the ram. This constellation is one of 12 constellations that form the zodiac — the constellations that straddle the sun’s path across the sky (known in scienctific terms as the ecliptic). In ancient times, that gave the constellations of the zodiac special significance.
In Greek mythology, Aries is the ram whose fleece became the Golden Fleece. The Golden Fleece is a symbol of kingship and authority, and plays a significant role in the tale of Jason and the Argonauts. Jason is sent to find the fleece in order to rightfully claim his throne as king, and with some help from Medea (his future wife), finds his prize. It’s one of the oldest stories in antiquity, and was current in Homer’s time.
Constellation Aries
Aries is formed by just 4 (sometimes 5) visible stars, which create a line from the ram’s head (the lowest point in the image above) and down its back. Hamal is the largest and most visible star, and is classified as an orange giant.

Canis Major

Lepus, the hare, while listed in Ptolemy’s original 48 constellations, does not represent any Greek myth. While not featured in this list, Lepus can be found right underneath Orion.
Latin for “greater dog”
Best viewed in: February

Canis Major represents the famed Greek dog Laelaps. There are a few origin stories, but the common theme is that he was so fast he was elevated to the skies by Zeus. Laelaps is also considered to be one of Orion’s hunting dogs, trailing behind him in the night sky in pursuit of Taurus the bull.
Canis Major
Canis Major is notable because it contains the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius. Tradition notes that the first appearance of Canis Major in the dawn sky comes in late summer, ushering in the dog days of the season. In the night sky, it almost looks a stick figure, with Sirius at the head, and another bright star, Adhara, at its rear end.


No Latin meaning, it’s the name of a queen in Greek mythology
Best viewed in: November

Cassiopeia, in Greek mythology, was a vain queen who often boasted about her beauty. She was the mother of Princess Andromeda, and in contrast to other figures being placed in the sky in honor, Cassiopeia was forced to the heavenly realms as punishment. As the story goes, she boasted that her beauty (or her daughter’s, depending on the story) was greater than that of the sea nymphs. This was quite an offense, and she was banned to the sky for all to gawk at.
With its distinctive “W” shape formed by five bright stars, Cassiopeia is one of the most easily recognizable constellations in the night sky come fall and early winter. And because of that, the vain queen is one of the most oft-mentioned in pop culture and one of the earliest constellations that young children come to recognize in the sky.

Cygnus (also known as the Northern Cross)

Lacerta (the lizard) and Vulpecula (the fox) are faint constellations near Cygnus the swan and Lyra. Both weren’t classified as constellations until the 17th century.
Latinized Greek for “swan”
Best viewed in: September

Multiple personas take on the form of the swan in Greek mythology. At one point Zeus morphed into a swan to seduce Leda, mother of both Gemini and Helen of Troy. Another tale says that Orpheus was murdered and then placed into the sky as a swan next to his lyre (the constellation Lyra, also in the drawing above).
The constellation may also have gotten its name from the tale of Phaethon and Cycnus. Phaethon was the son of Helios (the sun god), and took his father’s sun chariot for a ride one day. Phaethon couldn’t control the reins, however, and Zeus had to shoot down the chariot with Phaethon in it, killing him. Phaethon’s brother, Cycnus (now spelled Cygnus), spent many days grieving and collecting the bones, which so touched the gods that they turned him into a swan and gave him a place in the sky.
Cygnus, Lyra
The Northern Cross is really just an asterism (recognizable pattern of stars) within Cygnus the swan. Deneb, the swan’s tail (or top point of the cross), is one of the brightest stars in the night sky. You’ll find Cygnus within the Milky Way, which is why you’ll sometimes see the constellation referred to as the backbone of the galaxy. In the night sky, the goose is looking down with its wings spread out parallel to the horizon.


Latin for “twins”
Best viewed in: February

Gemini represents the twins Castor and Pollux. While the twins’ mother was Leda, Castor’s father was the mortal king of Sparta, while Pollux’s father was King Zeus (He seduced Leda in the form of a swan, remember? These stories tend to all tie together!). When Castor was killed, the immortal Pollux begged Zeus to give Castor immortality, which he did by placing the brothers in the night sky for all time.
Constellation Gemini
Castor and Pollux also happen to be the names of the brightest stars in the constellation, and represent the heads of the twins. Each star then has a line forming their bodies, giving the constellation a rough “U” shape. The twins sit next to Orion, making them fairly easy to find in winter.


Leo Minor is a recognized constellation, but is so small and faint that Ptolemy didn’t include it in his original list. To this day, Leo Major is solely regarded as “Leo.”
Latin for “lion”
Best viewed in: April

Leo has been a great lion in the night sky across almost all mythological traditions. In Greek lore, Leo is the monstrous lion that was killed by Hercules as part of his twelve labors. The lion could not be killed by mortal weapons, as its fur was impervious to attack, and its claws sharper than any human sword. Eventually Hercules tracked him down and strangled the great beast, albeit losing a finger in the process.
Constellation Leo
The large, orange “star” underneath Leo is actually the planet Jupiter.
Because Leo actually looks somewhat like its namesake, it is the easiest constellation in the zodiac to find. A distinctive backwards question mark forms the head and chest, then moves to the left to form a triangle and the lion’s rear end. Regulus is Leo’s brightest star, and sits in the bottom right of the constellation, representing the lion’s front right leg.


Latin for “lyre”
Best viewed in: August

Lyra is associated with the myth of Orpheus the great musician (remember him from earlier?). Orpheus was given the harp by Apollo, and it’s said that his music was more beautiful than that of any mortal man. His music could soothe anger and bring joy to weary hearts. Wandering the land in depression after his wife died, he was killed and his lyre (harp) was thrown into a river. Zeus sent an eagle to retrieve the lyre, and it was then placed in the night sky.
Cygnus, Lyra
Lyra sort of forms a lopsided square with a tail to its brightest star, Vega, which is one of the brightest stars in the sky. It is small, and almost directly overhead in the summer months, but the bright Vega makes it fairly easy to find.


The lion’s head being held by Orion is also sometimes visualized as a shield.
Named for Orion, the mythological Greek hunter
Best viewed in: January

Orion is one of the largest and most recognizable of the constellations. It is viewable around the world, and has been mentioned by Homer, Virgil, and even the Bible, making it perhaps the most famous constellation.
Orion was a massive, supernaturally gifted hunter who was the son of Poseidon. It was said he regularly hunted with Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt) on the island of Crete, and that he was killed either by her bow, or by the sting of the great scorpion who later became the constellation Scorpius.
Orion’s belt of three stars is the easiest asterism to find, with Rigel (bottom right) and Betelgeuse (top left) being the brightest two individual stars. The two other corners form a rough quadrangle, with his head and bow also sometimes visible. Orion is also unique in that you can use him to find a variety of other constellations in the winter sky.

Pisces oldpisces

Latin for “fish” (plural)
Best viewed in: November

The two fish of the sky represent Aphrodite and her son Eros, who turned themselves into fish and tied themselves together with rope in order to escape Typhon, the largest and most vile monster in all of Greek mythology.
Constellation Pisces
It’s not likely you’ll find Pisces in the middle of a city, as none of its individual stars are really worth noting or particularly bright. It forms a large “V” with the right fish forming a small “O” on the end, and the left fish forming a small triangle on the end (the image above doesn’t connect the dots in the upper left to make it a triangle).


Scorpius is sometimes also known as just Scorpio.
Latin for “scorpion”
Best viewed in: July

There are a variety of myths associated with the scorpion, almost all of them involving Orion the hunter. Orion once boasted that he could kill all the animals on the earth. He encountered the scorpion, and after a long, fierce fight, Orion was defeated. It was such a hard-fought battle that it caught the eye of Zeus, and the scorpion was raised to the night sky for all eternity.
Constellation Scorpius
With many bright stars, Scorpius is fairly easy to find in the night sky. Antares, the brightest star in the constellation, is said to be the heart of the scorpion. That will be the easiest star to locate, but is sometimes confused with Mars because of its red-orange coloring. To the right of the heart are 3-5 stars that form the head. To the left are a long line of stars that curve into a sideways or upside-down question mark.


Latin for “bull”
Best viewed in: January

Taurus is a large and prominent fixture in the winter sky. As one of the oldest recognized constellations, it has mythologies dating back to the early Bronze Age. There are several Greek myths involving Taurus. Two of them include Zeus, who either disguised himself as a bull or disguised his mistress as a bull in multiple escapades of infidelity. Another myth has the bull being the 7th labor of Hercules after the beast wreaked havoc in the countryside.
Constellation Taurus
The constellation is fairly easy to find as its most recognizable asterism forms a very prominent “V,” which represent the head and horns of the bull. The brightest star in the constellation is Aldebaran, which forms the bull’s right eye. Five stars, fairly close together to the naked eye, form an almost perfect small “V,” with the “V” extending up quite a ways to two more final stars that are the points of the horns.

Ursa Major

Latin for “larger bear”
Best viewed in: April

The Big Dipper is popularly thought of as a constellation itself, but is in fact an asterism within the constellation of Ursa Major. It is said to be the most universally recognized star pattern, partially because it’s always visible in the northern hemisphere. It has great significance in the mythologies of multiple cultures around the world.
The Greek myth of Ursa Major also tells the story of Ursa Minor (below). Zeus was smitten for a young nymph named Callisto. Hera, Zeus’s wife, was jealous, and transformed Callisto into a bear. While in animal form, Callisto encountered her son Arcas. Being the man that he was, he was inclined to shoot the bear, but Zeus wouldn’t let that happen, and so turned Arcas into a bear as well, and placed mother (Ursa Major) and son (Ursa Minor) permanently in the night sky.
Ursa Major
The seven stars of the Big Dipper are easily recognized and almost always visible. They form part of the backside and tail of the large bear. While the rest of the bear definitely takes the shape of its namesake, it’s not often visible in light polluted areas. The Big Dipper is more than just a pretty shape; the outer edge of its “bowl” will always lead you to the North Star, aiding in navigation for centuries past. Simply make a line with the two stars of the Big Dipper’s outer edge, extend that line up into the sky, and at about five times the distance between the two stars you started with, you’ll find the North Star.

Ursa Minor

The little bear sits almost enveloped by the huge Draco. While still a modern constellation, Draco’s size is overshadowed by the importance of Ursa Minor and the North Star.
Latin for “smaller bear”
Best viewed in: June

Ursa Minor is famous for containing Polaris, the North Star. Many people erroneously think that the North Star is directly over their heads, but that’s only true at the North Pole. For most people in the Northern Hemisphere, it will be dipped into the night sky.
Ursa Minor
You can see the Big Dipper sitting prominently below Ursa Minor. This also gives a great visualization of how to use the Big Dipper to find the North Star.
Ursa Minor is better known as the Little Dipper. It’s visualized as a baby bear, with an unusually long tail. It can be distinguished from the Big Dipper not only by size, but by the emphasized curvature of the tail. When you’ve found the North Star at the end of the bear’s tail using the Big Dipper, it’s then easy to identify the rest of the constellation.



Image result for JOHN KELLOGG SANITARIUMIt first opened on September 5, 1866, as the Western Health Reform Institute. In 1876, John Harvey Kellogg became the superintendent, and his brother, W. K. Kellogg, worked as the bookkeeper. In 1878, a new structure was built on the site, but it burned down in 1902. The following year, it was rebuilt and enlarged. As Kellogg put it, they took the word "sanatorium", which back then was defined as an English term designating a health resort for invalid soldiers. "A change of two letters transformed 'sanatorium' to 'sanitarium', and a new word was added to the English language". Kellogg states the number of patients grew from 106 in 1866, to 7,006 patrons during the year 1906.[3] "The San" and Kellogg were lampooned in T. Coraghessan Boyle's 1993 novel The Road to Wellville, and the 1994 film adaptation. In 1928, Battle Creek Sanitarium expanded with a fourteen story tower, built across the street from the main sanitarium. This tower went into receivership in 1933, while the sanitarium continued to operate from its main facility. In 1942, the U. S. Army purchased the tower and established the Percy Jones General Hospital;[4] the hospital closed permanently in 1953 and one year later became the Battle Creek Federal Center. Owned by the Seventh Day Adventists, the Battle Creek Sanitarium continued to operate as a psychiatric facility through the 1970s but closed its doors by the end of the decade. In 1986, the main building was razed, ending the final chapter in the history of the Battle Creek Sanitarium.[5] Medical records have since been microfiched and are now kept by the nearby Fieldstone Center, in Battle Creek, Michigan.


Meaning of the Pathfinder Club Emblem

Pathfinder Logo

Red (Sacrifice)

  • Reminds us of Christ. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
  • "Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God" (Rom. 12: 1).

Three sides

  • Completeness of the Trinity -- Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
  • Tripod of education: Mental Crafts and Honors Physical Campouts, work bee, health focus Spiritual Outreach and personal spiritual development.

Gold (Excellence)

  • "I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich" (Rev. 3:18).
  • Standard of measurement. The Pathfinder Club has high standards to help build strong character for the kingdom of heaven.

Shield (Protection)

  • In the Scripture God is often called the shield of His people.(Protection) "Fear not... I am thy shield" (Gen. 15:1)
  • "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." (Eph. 6:16)

White (Purity)

  • "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment" (Rev. 3:5).
  • We desire to have the purity and righteousness of Christ's life in our lives.

Blue (Loyalty)

  • It is the purpose of the Pathfinder Club to help teach us to be loyal to: Our God in heaven. Our parents. Our church.
  • Loyalty is defined as a reflection of the character of our True Master Guide.

Sword (Bible)

  • The sword is used in warfare. A battle is always won by offense. We are in a battle against sin, and our weapon is the Word of God.
  • The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. (see Eph. 6:17)

Inverted Triangle

  • The inverted order of importance Jesus taught which is contrary to that taught by the world.
  • Sacrificing of one's self by placing the needs of others ahead of our own.

Pathfinder Club

  • The Pathfinder Club is one of the organizations of the world youth ministry of the Seventh-day AdventistChurch.


Adventist Youth Society (AYS)

It was first introduced athe youth advisory counsel in 1953 and it incensive came from a statement by ellen g white...

AY Legion of Honour:
By the grace and power of God, I voluntarily join the Adventist Youth Honour Guard, and promise to:
Honour Christ in that what I choose to See.
Honour Christ in that what I choose to Hear.
Honour Christ in the places I choose to Go.
Honour Christ in selecting my Friends.
Honour Christ in my selection of Words and Thoughts.
Honour Christ in the conscientious care of My Body as a Temple.



The Golden Rule

The most familiar version of the Golden Rule says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  Moral philosophy has barely taken notice of the golden rule in its own terms despite the rule’s prominence in commonsense ethics. This article approaches the rule, therefore, through the rubric of building its philosophy, or clearing a path for such construction. The approach reworks common belief rather than elaborating an abstracted conception of the rule’s logic. Working “bottom-up” in this way builds on social experience with the rule and allows us to clear up its long-standing misinterpretations. With those misconceptions go many of the rule’s criticisms.
The article notes the rule’s highly circumscribed social scope in the cultures of its origin and its role in framing psychological outlooks toward others, not directing behavior. This emphasis eases the rule’s “burdens of obligation,” which are already more manageable than expected in the rule’s primary role, socializing children. The rule is distinguished from highly supererogatory rationales commonly confused with it—loving thy neighbor as thyself, turning the other cheek, and aiding the poor, homeless and afflicted. Like agape or unconditional love, these precepts demand much more altruism of us, and are much more liable to utopianism. The golden rule urges more feasible other-directedness and egalitarianism in our outlook.
A raft of additional rationales is offered to challenge the rule’s reputation as overly idealistic and infeasible in daily life. While highlighting the golden rule’s psychological functions, doubt is cast on the rule’s need for empathy and cognitive role-taking. The rule can be followed through adherence to social reciprocity conventions and their approved norms. These may provide a better guide to its practice than the personal exercise of its empathic perspective. This seems true even in novel situations for which these cultural norms can be extrapolated. Here the golden rule also can function as a procedural standard for judging the moral legitimacy of certain conventions.
Philosophy’s two prominent analyses of the golden rule are credited, along with the prospects for assimilating such a rule of thumb, to a universal principle in general theory. The failures of this generalizing approach are detailed, however, in preserving the rule’s distinct contours. The pivotal role of conceptual reductionism is discussed in mainstream ethical theory, noting that other forms of theorizing are possible and are more fit to rules of thumb. Circumscribed, interpersonal rationales like the golden rule need not be viewed philosophically as simply yet-to-be generalized societal principles. Instead, the golden rule and its related rationales-of-scale may need more piecemeal analyses, perhaps know-how models of theory, integrating algorithms and problem-solving procedures that preserve the specialized roles and scope. Neither mainstream explanatory theory, hybrid theory, nor applied ethics currently focuses on such modeling. Consequently, the faults in golden-rule thinking, as represented in general principles, may say less about inherent flaws in the rule’s logic than about shortfalls in theory building.
Finally, a radically different perspective is posed, depicting the golden rule as a description, not prescription, that portrays the symptoms of certain epiphanies and personal transformations observed in spiritual experience.

Tuesday 16 February 2016


Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Recreation/Archery

General Conference
See also Archery - Advanced
Skill Level 1 Answer-Keys 06.jpg
Year of Introduction: 1945

1. Identify the parts of a bow.

Handle, riser, arrow rest, upper limb, lower limb, belly, back, window, recurve, bow nock, string loop, string, serving, kisser button, nocking point, brace height or fist mele, sight, sling.

2. Identify the parts of an arrow.

Nock, index, index or "cock" feather, hen feathers, shaft, spine, crest, point-tip-pile.

3. Name and explain the safety rules for archery.

  • Don't shoot straight up.
  • Never run on the archery range.
  • Approach the target from the side, not the front so you don't get poked by the arrows sticking out of the target.
  • Be sure your equipment is in good working order.
  • Be aware of who is around you at all times.
  • Don't "hide" behind the target.
  • Don't walk in front of another archer.
  • Don't talk on the shooting line.
  • While loading your bow be sure that the arrows are always pointing toward the target.

4. Correctly and safely string a bow.

There are three basic ways of stringing and unstringing a bow. Two of them are safe, and one is not. The unsafe method is also presented because it is very commonly practiced. It is presented here so that you can recognize when another person is using it, and by so doing, placing himself at risk. If you see someone using this method, please educate them.

1. Bow Stringer

Another Bow Stringer
A bowstringer is a device that makes it safe and easy to string a bow. The archer steps on the bow stringer and then pulls the bow upward causing it to flex. This brings the tips of the bow closer together, and the string can then be looped over the string notch.

2. Step through

In this method; the archer begins by placing one end of the string into the string notch on the lower limb of the bow. The archer then "steps into" the bow by placing the right leg between the bow and the string, locking the bottom limb of the bow around the right calf and foot. The bow's belly should be to the archer's left, and the bottom tip should rest against the left side of the archer's right foot. The outside of the right knee will then be in a position to brace the bow near its handle. As the right hand is used to flex the bow and the left hand is used to loop the string around the upper string notch. This method can damage your bow if done incorrectly. This is the least favored way of the 3 stringing options.

Push Pull

The "Push Pull" method
Though the push pull method of stringing is safe for your bow and has been popularized for that reason, it is very dangerous to the archer since, as you can see in the photo, the top limb is directly aligned with your head, and any slip while using this method can result in permanent eye damage and even death, especially from recurve bows since the back of a recurved limb creates a point which acts as a force multiplier. Children should never be taught this method of stringing a bow and even experienced professional bow technicians have been injured through its use[1]. We present the method here so that if you see someone using it, you can educate them. Do not use this method to string a bow.

The bow is placed as shown in the picture. The bottom "bow nock" will be up against the instep of the shoe. By pushing with the palm of the top hand and pulling with the bottom hand the bow is bent. The fingers of the top hand pluck the string on or off.

Always Check the String

Checking the String
When you have strung the bow, turn it away from you 180 degrees to check the string. That way if the string slips off, the bow will kick out away from you. Whichever method for stringing a bow is selected, it is important to check both ends of the bow to ensure that is has been strung properly. Do this whether you have strung it yourself or if someone else has strung it for you. The string on an improperly strung bow can come off when the bow is drawn, potentially causing injury.

5. Describe and show how to use the following:

a. Arm guard

Hitting your arm is one of the unpleasantries of archery. You can protect yourself with an armguard while learning how not to hit your arm. A leather or plastic armguard with elastic bands should be placed on the inside of your forearm just below your elbow. If you have a slight hyperextension to your elbow you can purchase a long armguard which will cover the inside of your entire bow arm.

b. Finger tab or glove

Finger tab
The purpose of a finger tab or glove is to protect the archer's finger from the string.
There are several types of finger tabs available. The "Marshall" style has one hole and the "Western" style has two holes. Either one works fine. They should be trimmed to fit the archer.
The "archers glove" covers the finger tips and secures around the archer's wrist.

c. Quiver

A quiver by definition is "anything that holds arrows". There are several types of quivers including:
  • The side quiver which hangs from a belt
  • The back quiver which hangs from the shoulder.
  • The side quiver which hooks onto a pocket.
  • The pocket quiver.
  • The ground quiver which sits on the ground.

d. Bow sling

The purpose of a bow sling is to keep you from dropping your bow. There are two types of bow slings: the wrist sling and the finger sling.
A wrist sling is a strap that is connected to your bow for you to put your hand through while gripping your bow.
A finger sling is a 2 inch string with a loop at each end. After gripping your bow the loops go over the thumb and your index finger.

e. String kisser

The string "kisser" is a point on the string that touches your lip or corner of your mouth.
If you are using a "center draw" (see, Anchor) the string is in the middle or your chin and the middle of your nose. A "kisser" would be a small disc on the string that would touch your lip. This assures a vertical alignment of your bow.
Creative Idea: Use a foldable to record / organize this information. Go here to learn how.

6. Demonstrate the following shooting techniques:

a. The stance

Proper archery stance
The stance is the position the feet and body assume when addressing the target.
Setting your feet is the first step in setting up a good shot. A good foundation is important in anything, especially in archery.
First, lay an arrow pointing toward your target and perpendicular to the shooting line. Second, place your feet straddling the shooting line with your toes slightly touching the arrow.
Your feet should be placed approximately the same distance apart as your shoulders as a starting point. Once you find a comfortable stance it is important to remember where to put your feet each time you return to the shooting line.

b. Nocking the arrow

To place an arrow on the bowstring. The attachment to the rear of an arrow which is placed on the bowstring and holds the arrow on the string.
There are two ways to put and arrow on the string. One is right and one is wrong. The index feather or "cock" feather should point away from the bow. This feather is usually a different color than the other two which are also known as "hen" feathers. Doing this allows the hen feathers to gracefully clear the bow. If the "index" feather is pointed toward the bow it will kick out away from the bow as it tries to clear the bow during the shot.
The picture shows the most common way of placing the fingers on the string. The thumb and small finger should not be involved in the shot in any way or fashion. they should be relaxed and folded down as if you were saying "I'm THREE years old".
After nocking the arrow, place three fingers on the string. Two under the arrow and 1 over the arrow then slide them together, lightly touching the arrow. The string should be at the first joint near the end of your fingers. This is a starting point. Competitive archers try to get the string at the very end of their fingers for a quicker release but this takes years of training.

c. The draw

This is the act of pulling the string back. The archer should start with the bow arm pointed directly at the target before pulling the string. Some young archers like to pull the string while raising their bows but this is a waste of energy and creates fatigue while shooting. Be very deliberate with little wasted motion.

d. The anchor

The Side Draw
The Center Draw

The "anchor" is a combination of points to which the bowstring and/or the index finger of the drawing hand are drawn to on the face and neck. There are multiple ways of "Anchoring" the string after you have drawn the bow. I will give you the two most common ones.

The Side Draw: Hunter or Field Style - Pull the string back so the index finger of your string hand touches the corner of your mouth. This places the arrow directly beneath the eye that you are aiming with. This is recommended for all beginners. As archers continue to progress and put an aiming device on their bow they can progress to the next one.

The Center Draw: Target or Olympic Style - Pull the string hand under your jaw so the string is in the middle and in front of the chin. The string should also touch the nose. The string hand is in line with and directly under the jaw bone. The above picture is my oldest son Mark, Jr who is currently training for the Olympics.

Remember that anchoring in the same place and the same way every time is critical no matter how you choose to anchor.

e. The hold and aim

Hold and Aim
To superimpose a sight pin on the center of a target or, when not using a sight, the placement of the tip of the arrow on a particular point for a given distance.
Hold means to get everything locked into place and be sure that you are ready to release the arrow. There should be a straight line from the back elbow right through the arrow to the back of the bow (see photo).

Aim is the process of deciding when to let go of the string. An archer without a sight uses an "instinctive" method or guessing how high or low to aim.

A sight is a reference point for aiming but is only useful if the archers shoots the same way every time.

An archer without a sight can use a sighting method called "point of aim". Contact me at West's Archery and I can teach you how to use this.

f. The release

The Release
The release is the act of allowing the string to leave the fingers.
The release is the most important part of the shot. It is when everything comes together in a fraction of a second. The best way to perform the release is to just relax the fingers. As the arrow goes toward the target, the string hand should go in exactly the opposite direction. My Youngest son, Aaron, is demonstrating this in the photo.

g. The follow-through

"Follow through" refers to the movement of the drawing hand and arm after the release.

Once the archer has released the arrow, nothing should move. The archer must give the arrow time to clear the bow. To insure this, instruct your archers to wait until the arrow hits the target before moving at all. In the picture you can see that my release hand goes in the exact opposite direction as the arrow. Making sure that your shoulders don't collapse is very important. Also, notice that I am still aiming, long after the arrow is gone.

7. Why is it necessary to have an arrow "nocking point" properly positioned on the bow string?

If the nocking point is too high, the arrow will be pointed "down" and come out of the bow low.
If the nocking point is too low, the arrow will be pointed "up" and come out of the bow high.
Nock rings can be placed on the bow to allow for consistency. A bow square and nock pliers can be used to set the nocking point properly.

8. Using a standard (Olympic bow) score one of the following:
a. Indoors: 30 arrows (5 rounds) at 18 meters score 50 points on a 60 cm. target.
b. Outdoors: 30 arrows (5 rounds) at 25 meters score 170 points on a 122 cm. target.

A standard "Olympic Bow" is a recurve (not compound) bow with no more than 3 stabilizer extensions, a sight, and a clicker. An archer must use fingers and not a mechanical release and may not have a string peep sight or magnified aiming device.
We have recommended that the NAD waive the scoring requirements for the "Beginning" archery honor. Everyone should be able to get this honor regardless of athletic skills. We have been given approval to grant the honors this way. That is what allowed us to teach over 1,000 pathfinders this honor at the Faith on Fire Pathfinder Camporee in Oshkosh, Wisconsin in 2004.

9. Know and practice the archery safety rules.

  • Don't shoot straight up.
  • Never run on the archery range.
  • Approach the target from the side, not the front so you don't get poked by the arrows sticking out of the target.
  • Be sure your equipment is in good working order.
  • Be aware of who is around you at all times.
  • Don't "hide" behind the target.
  • Don't walk in front of another archer.
  • Don't talk on the shooting line.
  • While loading your bow be sure that the arrows are always pointing toward the target.

About the Author

Mark West
The West Family

The material for this chapter was provided by Mark West, owner and operator of West's Archery which was established in 1937 by his grandfather. Mark's father, Bill was a National Champion and 2-time World Champion. Mark has been an archer since 1969 and an instructor since 1973. He competed in the Olympics in 1972 and was the U.S. National Champion and 3-time California State Champion. He has travelled the world teaching archery skills and performing in programs with his "Gospel Archery" sharpshooting team. In 2004 at the Faith on Fire Camporee in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Mark not only set a Guinness World Record by shooting a single arrow through eleven "handheld" balloons, but he and the West family also taught the Archery honor to over 1000 Pathfinders.